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Effects of Deforestation

Deforestation is the permanent removal of standing forests, which occurs for a variety of reasons and has many devastating consequences. What Is Deforestation? Deforestation is the clearing, destroying, or otherwise removal of trees through deliberate, natural, or accidental means. It can…

Lessons from SLPP Leadership

·  reedy Behaviorally among some of the leaders of the party ·  Not department/Districts-development oriented thinking ·  Sacking really important socialists/known persons ·  Giving much chances to earlier less important persons ·  Not people oriented…preparing to go (out) ·  Not…

Political prostitution is Bad

POLITICAL PROSTITUTES IN SOCIETY The practice of Political life of the Sierra Leonean is more prostitutions-oriented than anything else. During times of electioneering periods, one sees hitherto respected people moving from one political group to another, usually telling stories of…

FOUR points answers to my party

By Semeon Fallah Ans: It has become clearer that no one man/woman will contest amongst us (within the APC), and put on Pride and much recalcitrance… and think to Win. It is a Peaceful man/woman that can win from amongst…