If we truly want to gain a deeper understanding of the controls over the population of this planet we must do the research and discover the Jesuit Order. This is the apex of evil on this planet and it started literally thousands of years ago 1534 to be exact funded and commissioned by two Roman papal bloodlines Farnese and Borgia. The Jesuits have incorporated this world and have gone by many names like the Knights of Malta, they hide behind many fronts, like the CDC, WHO, FEMA, and the prodigious ones Washington DC, London and Rome. The Templars which is the second highest degree in York Rite Freemasonry, the Knights of Malta all of the Phoenicians before that.
They can even be traced back to the Nephilim of the Bible and in the Sumerian tablets as the Igigi from Annunaki fame. The Epic of Gilgamesh and the Lost Book of Enki are some good studies to understand that revelation. They have infiltrated or created every secret society and every power structure on Earth.
The Jesuits have thousands of years of knowledge about the human condition. They know humanity better than humanity knows itself, this is obviously clear. To scoff or believe otherwise is the true nature of the problem we all face on Earth today. Because that is exactly what they want from humanity. They want you to believe. Because what you believe is what they will use against you to manipulate your behavior.
One must do the research and come to a deeper understanding, not a belief. What one believes in, they will fight to the death to protect. It’s very hard to break from what one believes. The Jesuits understand this and they use it against humanity. Along with electromagnetism and low frequencies, they message the mind of humanity and direct its path.
The Jesuits have managed to delete most truth from the history books and re-write their own versions to keep the real truths hidden from the population of this planet. For example many in America (believe) that America won the war against the British known as the War of 1812. Nothing could be further from the truth. Ask yourself a question. How can a handful of Americans beat the British Empire? It would have been humanly impossible. In reality that battle bankrupted the Americans and they were forced into a deal with the British Empire to barrow money to continue as a colony of Brittan and incorporate under the umbrella of the Vatican Rule. Do the research, because in this day of the internet and information, ignorance is absolutely no excuse.
You see, history is false and that’s a fact. Rome never fell, America lost the War of 1812, the Nazi’s of World War 2, were secretly adopted into the corporation of the United States, and your vote does not count. Corporations do not vote on Presidents or any officer, for that matter. They are appointed. Buy who? By the Knights of Malta. Voting is a scam to make you think you have a say. To make you think you have control, that you are free. You are not free. You in fact, have volunteered to be a slave to U.S. Inc.
The CIA, the FBI and all the others are run and ruled by the Jesuits. The CIA can be traced in many accounts to Mind Control. Search your browser for (MK Ultra Mind Control) for further understanding. My mother is retired from the psychological operations of the CIA.
What can be done about this? Now this is where the rubber hits the road. First and foremost we have to gain a deeper understanding about the Jesuits and how they operate. Because deeper understanding allows the flexibility for adjustments. We don’t protect it like a belief. We use it as a way to gain true knowledge, just like the Jesuits do. We use their information against them. We learn the history of the Jesuits and read their Oath. That alone should open your eyes to truth. We must understand the vehicles they use for control.
The Phoenicians invented money for example. One of the very first control measures placed on this planet. They came here originally to mine the Gold. So naturally it became what was considered of value for trade. Thus it eventually became what we call money. Only in today’s world they replaced it with paper through the power of the Jesuit run Federal Reserve and call it Federal Reserve Notes. This is fiat currency that only has a perceived value. It’s not money at all, as it has no value backing it whatsoever. Again one must do the research on this subject to gain a deeper understanding.
The Jesuits invent religion as another form of control over the people of this planet. Not just the Roman Catholic Church, they in fact had their hands in the start of every religion on this planet. This was an evil deceptive way to divide and conquer the humans of Earth. Just sit and think of the genius of that plan. It has kept Earthlings in a constant struggle against each other for thousands of years and there appears to be no end to it. It’s also how they keep the masses in a state of fear. Fear allows for maximum penetration into the minds of man. For maximum control over humanity.
I know all this because I was trained, educated and mentored by Jesuits growing up and taught also through their mystery schools in Egypt and secret societies. One in particular Jesuit Carl Hayn Sr. I can not stress enough about who is behind all these atrocities, machinations, casuistry, sophistry, propaganda, lies from the de facto media, controlled by papal knighthoods.
It’s time to awaken now, or it is going to be over for Motherland Africa and all countries in such haste. I don’t know how many more times I must warn people!!
I am the One in the many and the many in the One!
Edward Mitole, PhD
The African Renaissance Project